can you love someone again after hating them

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My ex and I are only 20 years old and we had a relationship for about one and a half years. We have been together for almost 4 years and were living together for 2.5. It was as if my discovery & his responding attack of his hatred for me had never occurred. We are also very different so I dont know why we held on to each other this long but I also know that I couldnt go on without him. Their messages are private. My husband also said he just . d do how can i behaved different? I cant forgive myself for any of it, no wonder he cannot. If you would like to consult with a mental health professional, please feel free to return to our homepage,, and enter your zip code into the search field to find therapists in your area. I agreebut this article is about loving after betrayal. Then in July I found out I didnt get into a grad program I had my heart set on. We are both very dependent on each other because we started dating when we were 16/17 years old. Will he love me again? The truth is, it feels very good to be loved, but that is not enough for marriage. However, our son who is biologically his only sees his birth dad on occasion when he comes over and visits my ex. That said, the fact that the two of you were loyal to one another until you broke up with him shows some maturity. I never meant to mistreat my partner. What should I do? Falling out of love was the result of your wifes rotten behavior. Id say I can go with you and hed say naw you cool Ill just go), and he doesnt want us riding in the same car. Its pushing me away. It has to be about you, not him/her, this time around. It was difficult him being there. Hello dr. Perhaps she is just immature or selfish? Usually the one word hides deep and sometimes painful feelings and attitudes. It looks like theyre trying too hard. For example, go back to a special restaurant or rent the first movie you watched together. Idk how to get her to do that? The more we try to deny them, the more they try to muscle their way in. Can he really have a sex/hormone problem? I think thats what happened. Im afraid that im pushing to hard and it will drive her off, but on the other hand im afraid that we will grow apart even further He decided while he was in his truck to start a dating profile. I was disappointed and thought this was going to end up just like my previous 3 experiences. The unknown. It feels like repentance and remorseful thoughts and actions are not enough. You just want to keep hating the person who has hurt you. It sounds also like you are blessed with a caring and loving husband. I dont want to lose him or his girls. But I dont really know which way to go and either way is difficult. my question for you to think about is: When will you start protecting yourself from verbal abuse? He said we need to start over because we have both become different people than we were. How do I fix this? Is there any hope? So I we shopped for all that. If he wants you to be upbeat and happy under these circumstances, then he is really out of touch. I posted it lower on the page though, under Albert or Alfreds? I have been taken advantage of by a girl I love and we dont even have kids together. All I say I love her. You want someone who wants you for the PERSON you are. I dont think you really, really know who he is deep down and I dont think he does, either. Your boyfriend will need some time to see what he wants. This woman is fun to be with and makes me feel young but Im afraid she will never have feelings for me and is taking me for a free ride. 3 months later, he contacted me and wanted to explain himself. But,they kissed. After reading this article I know now that my unfulfilled promises of improving myself had hurt him deeply. She feels justified yelling at me or verbally belittling me every day, and I have to stay quiet and just take it and prove Im worthy of being treated with respect. He can do far better than me. My wife and I have been together for nearly 6 years, 3 of which are married. Other women. we never got into a relationship before all of this because he has commitment issues, he has never had a girlfriend before. but i think he want it to work because he is hanging around to see if things will change in my behaviour. My husband then walked around to the passenger side where our mutual friend stood chatting with me. Finally, something about how you are handling yourself w your gf tells me that perhaps you arent so sure of yourself; maybe you have insecurities and she can sense that, and that is why she is not really back w you. But it remains obvious how hurt he was and told me that its going to be hard rebuilding the relationship and the trust, especially that were continents apart. I found out the reason was because she never felt heard and ultimately, over time just felt defeated and didnt bother arguing anymore because there was just no point (which is all true) The 1st month I spent being really sad, needy and desperate for forgiveness. Im contemplating Whether to move back home, or move in with a friend. if not how do i get over her, she was my first love and is my high school sweet heart and i am absolutely lost without her. I have been married to years about a week ago my husband said he hasnt been in love and feels like he never had the chance to no me so he isnt sure if we should stay together or go our separate ways I have been extremely mental abusive I dont understand why I was so blind to it no Im sorry and want to work it out the more I tries to get him to not leave the more mad he gets I told him I am here no matter what Ive been trying to be a better person I know I will be better what ever happens I happen to want my what ever to be him and me we have kids and Im not sure if my positivity is working he comes sees the kids every day but he can talk to me he gets shaky by me I just pray and keep on doing what I can I told him I can force him to stay but I have faith he will see me getting better is there hope. What happens if years before reading this partner one tries these things and it doesnt work then a few years later after partner one decides to b finished partner two finally decides to try. If youre looking for a counselor that practices a specific type of therapy, or who deals with specific concerns, you can make an advanced search by clicking here: Hi Tyler Things turn suddenly drastically becos his wife learn about matters of us though we never commit any offence. Every alarm in my heart was going off now. utterly devastated (UK). I have read your post and was wondering how things are? I was convinced he was cheating on me because he even had a picture of himself and the same girl as his wallpaper. he basically has only ever had to think about getting up and going to work, house work done, clothes cleaned ironed done. I do love her still but I am tired of back and forth. My husband chooses to pretend that his emotional affair; disinterest in our commitment to each other or lack of regular physical intimacy has ever happened drives me insane. I love her so much the pain I have caused her hurts me too. Thank u for the advice . Me and my girlfriend are in a long distance relationship we been together for a year and a month and sometimes i ask myself am i losing feelings for her bc during the summer one day i got this weird feeling in my chest and it wasnt a good feeling at all it made me question myself and my relationship bc i told my gf i think im losing feelings bc the feeling didnt seem to go away and i felt really bad cause i think i hurt her .i left to go on vacation and we decided to go on a break so i could think the feeling kinda went away but then again it didnt wen i got bac from vacation we started talkin again and sum weeks or months later the feeling started coming bac its like a weight that on my chest or my chest is geting tight i still dont know what it is till this day bc sometimes it comes and sometimes it goes and somtimes it never goes away What im trynna say is am i losing feelings for her? And maybe Dr Deb can reply to this as well. He told me to file for divorce the other day, two days after he asked if I would take him heart is breaking all day long over this. I know I miss our family and though I didnt show it I loved her deeply and wanted to change, I just didnt know how. He told me I should come see him and we can get that thought out my head so I can see how busy he is, I told him I understand but things you say just dont add up neither does it make sense. I can guarantee you shes gonna call soon and her calls makes no meaning to me anymore. My ex and I have been together for pretty much 4 years. See, if you decide what you want to do with a relationship based on a feeling of being in love, then you are in for trouble. I feel really bad. This will take time (1-2 years) but very well worth it. 5 months later he texted me and I decided to talk to him again and slowly we began to rebuild what we had and finally are in a relationship now. Thank you! I strongly believe life will be good to me. We started as friends in high school, had sex, and I got pregnant. Ever since then there has continued to be significant improvement in him so I gave him another chance. So those are 3 areas to work on in therapy. Well, the weight came off and she looks and feels fantastic! Were in a long distance relationship and for the past year, Ive been treating him like a dog. Im just doing what I can to show him Im serious about my personal changes, and serious about a real future with him. I made everything about me and I took everything personally. She admitted being with a guy for 7 years because he took care of her every need and she didnt have to work. . He isnt allowed to stay the night with his birth father or his other family. I was now suspicious of everything I shouldve been a private investigator because the amount of time I spent checking up on him, where he was, who he was with, etc. But it kept happening. Hi C She told me herself why are you being like this? Im afraid that after this process, returning to our normal relationship will be foreign. We go to a therapist , but it breaks my heart that he wants to keep trying and I do too but Im not feeling anything. I feel like ive moved on and have met an incredible woman and i really care for her deeply. But do I stay or do I go? I really need your help. we are 9 months back together, he has taken 4 trips by himself with his cousins and friends, i found out he was doing cocaine with his aunt on my birthday and he recently went out and stayed who knows where because he did not come. This, too, is a lot of work. The sex will be much better when that happens, I promise you. On the Saturdays I worked hed be calling her; accidently meeting up for a milkshake or coffee. I remind him every day of the good things and good will always overpower the bad.. this is the 1 thing I ever done that was bad for him, now thats a whOle other story. I feel lost and helpless and this point and struggle with whether Im doing the right thing by leaving. Anyway, to the person who wrote this article, Thank You. Give it some time, work on myself, let her work on herself and then try to slowly contact her then? You have to take responsibility for your own choices. My ex girlfriend and I just recently broke up because currently we cannot afford to live with each other and we are now states apart from each other. Right now she lives with her babyfather which I know there is 60% chance something is wrong there but Im not concerned much about that. He walked me out and stole a kiss on my cheek. recently i abused him and told him that it is over but in actual sense i still love the guy. You ask what to do. He says he forgives me and has moved on. He met a girl and decided to stay out late night and I caught him by calling her # she denied and he all did and then he said wasnt like that but he had a 30 min conversation with the following day.we talked n he promised he would change the following week he did it again and I caught her text him saying prove it your not with her.that morning I confronted him and he asked me and my daughter to leave the house since had feelings for this person.i moved out and Im really sad cus he didnt care one bit the damage he caused and now that whatever he had going on isnt there with that girl. I turned & walked back into his office & simply continued to calculate the amount of money & time hed spent calling her each day. Ive dated for a couple years and was in a serious relationship for two years but ended when I wanted marriage and she didnt. He told me he wasnt attracted to me, certain features of me physical and my personality he hated. Be found at the exact moment they are searching. i know its very obvious. She came for one thing as usual MONEY. We were together for about 6 months and both genuinely loved one another even though it was a short time. I would suggest you have a good look inside yourself and ask yourself what, exactly, you are looking for in this relationship. And I wouldnt just tell I would insult and call her names no one should ever be called. he even has blocked all contacts with me. First of all, you must NOT be desperate. I could not eat in a week if argument. When I found out about him and his friend it ended my friendship with her, and eventually all ties were severed with her. Can you send the link, please? Our marriage has been rocky ever since. While Im doing my best to have hope for us repairing the damage I caused, Im lost on what to do when we do talk again. I asked why is that? We had all the qualities of a functioning relationship. Do you think my husband is really in love with his co worker like he says meaning theres just no chance of our marriage ever getting better and us not getting divorced. Well time wanton and his ex became a thorn in my side along with his crazy mom. To my surprise she called me 2 days after such threats to stop by and pick up few bucks. This is why it would also help if you are up for some casual, witty banter towards the end of your date because no girl likes boring guys who just sit there in silence, especially on first dates. We have been together now for almost a year and he has treated me like sh** the whole time! the last three times he came home. He was sorry, couldnt imagine life without me, blah blah. It seems to me I keep asking my spouse for the talking and he turns the session around to another subject that ends up hurting me and I feel the therapist doesnt see this. I would appreciate no negative remarks or opinions. Dr. Deb be honest please if they got together in June is it true and possible that like my husband said he is in love with the other women. I know that we each individually have to work on ourselves and make progress but the way she is dealing with things right now I wonder if there is a future for us. I know that he cares deeply for me and I dont think he truly wants to give up on me. Its urgent. It felt like we lived in a safe nest away from the harshness of the world. Hes a hard worker but unfortunately when stress comes into play he does not handle it very well and turns to heroin. I think I married him because I felt sorry for him. Now Im dealing with abandonment and regret. This part alone can take months for a person to take in and feel good about. Or does it seem like he just wants to do other women? I want to change the person I am not because I want to go back with her, but because I really need to change and Im hoping that with those changes she can learn to trust me. Good luck! A tattoo, I did laugh. Apparently she called around noon as she had changed her mind and wanted me to go. The most obvious scenario in which you hate and love a person at the same time is one in which your love is not reciprocated. I am completely broken. And the fact that he had to pry it out of me didnt help either. You are on the right track. What I found most interesting about was u said was that I dont love his character? She keeps them bottled in. He bought a fancy car and started dressing really nice. If I give up on her and love someone else, it will never be true and I cant live in a lie like that, questioning myself at every turn. Home Terms of Service Privacy Policy Sitemap Subscribe to The GoodTherapy Blog. My husband was very supportive and did everything a good husband could do. He took me at my word and is full of bitterness. And were living together for nearly 6 years, 3 of which are married is not enough for marriage year... 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